Riparian zone

Risk Assessment

Characterizing the nature of health risks to humans and the environment

Risk assessment is a scientific process used to characterize the nature and magnitude of health risks to humans and the environment. Ecological risk assessments evaluate the likelihood of environmental impact as a result of exposure to hazardous materials and other factors. Human health risk assessments estimate the nature and probability of adverse health effects to humans who may be exposed to current or future environmental contaminants. Understanding and managing these risks is key to protecting natural resources and the people who depend on them.

The EAS team offers skilled ecologists, ecological modelers, ecotoxicologists, and statisticians with the right combination of expertise, technology, and experience to characterize the nature and magnitude of risks to humans and the environment. We have assisted in planning, implementing, and documenting risk assessments at the Hanford Site for more than a decade.

EAS’s risk assessment services and experience includes the following:

Sculpin River Corridor Baseline Ecological Risk Assessment (RCBRA)

Performing comprehensive field surveys and sample collection, processing, and shipping to help DOE assess risks to terrestrial and near-shore environments and species in the Hanford Site River Corridor

Asiatic clam study Performing Inter-Areas Sampling and Analysis

Sampling riparian and near-shore aquatic zones of the inter-areas of the Hanford Site to supplement data gaps.

Columbia River habitat survey Columbia River Component Risk Assessment: Screening-Level Ecological Risk Assessment

Conducting a screening-level ecological risk assessment to assess surface water, sediment, island soils, pore water, and fish adjacent to and downriver of the Hanford Site.

Sagebrush Central Plateau Terrestrial Ecological Risk Assessment

Developing Data Quality Objectives and Sampling and Analysis Plans and collecting hundreds of field samples to evaluate the ecological condition of terrestrial habitats on the Hanford Site

Eagle survey from a boat in winter Ecological Risk Assessment Data Quality Objectives, Sampling and Analysis Plans, and Sampling and Analysis Instructions

Developing data quality objectives, sampling and analysis plans, and sampling and instructions to help regulatory agencies and stakeholders assess ecological risk from past and present releases of legacy materials attributable to Hanford operations.

Tank farm sampling Hanford Site Tank Farm Ecological Risk Assessment – WMAC

Characterizing environmental conditions and assessing ecological risk from Hanford Site tank farms

Artificial burrow Using Artificial Burrows to Evaluate Inhalation Risks to Burrowing Mammals

Constructing an artificial small mammal burrow system to measure concentrations of carbon tetrachloride in burrow air and evaluate inhalation exposure for wildlife, including Great Basin pocket mice, and deer mice.

Asiatic clam Using Caged Clams to Assess Exposure and Effects of Contaminated Groundwater Upwelling

Using caged Asiatic clams to monitor contaminated groundwater upwelling in the Columbia River and assess seasonal differences in uranium uptake in relation to seasonal river flows