eagle survey

What We Do

Our environmental experts have worked with Northwest natural resource managers for more than 30 years to monitor, protect, and restore sensitive flora and fauna in our region.

Acoustic & Radio Telemetry

Providing tools to track movements & behavior of protected fishes

Areas of Specialization: Assist dam operators design and implement HD PIT tags to monitor adult Pacific lamprey - Design and maintain radio telemetry arrays to track adult Chinook salmon and steelhead - Install telemetry stations to monitor movements of migrating juvenile Chinook salmon & effects of dam removal on out-migrating salmonids - Install and maintain radio telemetry sites for year-round monitoring of adult lamprey – Perform 3D mapping of fish movements - Operate, maintain, & download Lotek radio telemetry equipment & Vemco and Lotek acoustic telemetry systems – Develop & maintain telemetry databases – Perform surgical tagging of juvenile Chinook and adult Pacific lamprey.

Biological Impact Assessments

Evaluating & documenting impacts from utility siting, construction, & operation

Areas of Specialization: Identify and quantify potential impacts to: juvenile & adult fish from hydropower operations - Benthic species from reservoir drawdowns – State-listed plants, burrowing owl nests & ground squirrel colonies from constructing, operating, & maintaining a natural gas pipeline - Rare plants, black-tailed jackrabbits, and shrub-steppe-dependent birds, & habitats from rebuilding power poles and transmission lines – Marine fishes, sargassum, plankton, water, & sediment from the BP Gulf oil spill. Provide recommendations to reduce environmental impacts - Perform ESA Section 7 & 10 consultations & mitigation planning.

Characterization & Monitoring

Providing scientifically accurate information for environmental decision makers

Areas of Specialization: Design & perform studies to: Monitor long-term trends in fall Chinook salmon redd abundance and distribution – Characterize aquatic habitat for steelhead spawning - Assess larval Pacific lamprey to understand critical habitat requirements - Assess species composition, densities, & distribution of freshwater mussels - Identify and protect priority roosting habitats for state monitor bat species – Map distribution of rare plants to minimize disturbance - Preserve sagebrush-obligate bird populations & habitats – Monitor state-listed frogs and toads to help protect sensitive breeding areas - Map distribution of rare plants to minimize disturbance - Develop management and monitoring plans to help assess changes and trends in the condition of flora and fauna.


Protecting natural resources while maintaining operational objectives

Areas of Specialization: Conduct field surveys and monitoring to document compliance with federal, state, and regional laws and agreements that protect and enhance natural resources – ESA, NEPA, NRDA, SEPA, Migratory Bird Act - Assist clients fulfill biological objectives & respond to FCRPS litigation-related issues associated with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) License & U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Opinion - Determine the effectiveness of bird flight diverters in reducing the chance of birds colliding with overhead transmission lines - Monitor hydroelectric project sites for aquatic invasive plants in compliance with FERC and Ecology requirements related to Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification - Conduct formal & informal consultations with USFWS, NOAA, Ecology, tribes, & state fish and wildlife agencies - Maintain NOAA Fisheries scientific collection) permit for handling listed salmonids & WDFW scientific collection permit.

Cultural & Historic Resources

Ensuring compliance with federal cultural resources laws and regulations

Areas of Specialization: Archaeology, anthropology and tribal issues - Historic resources inventories, assessments, design – Section 106 compliance & reporting - Cultural resource management - Consultations with Northwest Native American tribal groups - Cultural resource monitoring plans - Memoranda of Understanding & Programmatic Agreements - GIS mapping and analysis.

Environmental Surveys & Sampling

Collecting defensible data to accurately and precisely represent problem being investigated

Areas of Specialization: Aerial surveys & photography to manage long-term trends in salmonid redd abundance and distribution – SCUBA & snorkel surveys to collect freshwater mollusks and document age, densities, composition, and distribution – Trimble GPS and underwater video camera to map habitat characteristics. ABP-2 backpack electrofisher to identify potentially suitable habitat for larval Pacific lamprey – Radio telemetry to track fish passage - Acoustic bat detectors to identify & protect sensitive species – Terrestrial spotlight surveys to determine the presence of black-tailed jackrabbits – Boat & land surveys to assist in mitigating and restoring protected aquatic species - Full fleet of fully equipped research vessels to conduct sampling and surveying in offshore areas during daylight and nighttime - Large pool of U.S. Coast Guard-licensed vessel captains.

Fisheries Biology

Assisting clients improve survival of salmon and other rare fishes in the FCRPS

Areas of Specialization: Conduct rare, threatened, & endangered species surveys, fisheries inventories, & population surveys – Monitor salmonid population & recovery – Evaluate juvenile and adult fish passage at hydroelectric projects – Design & maintain radio & acoustic telemetry systems to monitor fish species of concern – Identify & count adult fish at mainstem dams with fish passage facilities – Evaluate hydropower generation and flow regulation impacts on anadromous fish survival – Perform surgical tagging of juvenile Chinook and adult Pacific lamprey – Inspect juvenile collection facilities, fish bypass facilities, & adult fish facilities – Perform benthic invertebrate sampling & external and histopathological and physiological analyses of fish health - Evaluate the status of fish stocks in the FCRPS.

Invasive Species

Identifying invasive terrestrial & aquatic plants to eradicate & control species

Areas of Specialization: Perform pre-construction noxious weed surveys for power transmission line projects - Conduct field surveys to identify invasive plants and noxious weeds, photograph and map their locations, and determine population density - Recommend methods of propagation and spreading to control species - Map known aquatic invasive species & monitor for the presence of new invasive species at or near hydroelectric project facilities per site Aquatic Invasive Species Monitoring and Control Plan.

Water Quality

Areas of Specialization: Perform water quality measurement and monitoring in reservoirs, lakes, impoundments, rivers, streams, wetlands, powerhouse forebays and tailraces, and natural and man-made waterways - Analyze water quality (physical parameters, chemical analysis, phytoplankton analysis) - Assess water quality conditions and examine spatial and/or temporal trends and relationships among water quality parameters - Monitor hydroelectric project sites for aquatic invasive plants in compliance with FERC and Ecology requirements related to 401 Water Quality Conditions.