Wetland assessment

Environmental Site Assessment & Wetland Delineation

Ensuring environmental due diligence & supporting the national objective of no net loss

In 2002, Congress passed the Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act to protect commercial real estate buyers, investors, or lenders from hazardous cleanup liability under CERCLA. Federal standards now require that an environmental professional conduct an Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) to evaluate potential environmental issues on lands previously used for commercial purposes.

EAS scientists develop legally defensible ESAs. We work with clients to provide environmental due diligence for assessed commercial property to meet the CERCLA “all appropriate inquiry” requirement. Commercial firms and governmental organizations rely on EAS to provide an independent professional opinion on the environmental condition of their properties.

We also offer qualified wetland professionals skilled at identifying and delineating wetlands according to federal, state, and local regulations, particularly in the arid West region. We work to protect wetlands and support the national objective of no net loss.

Wetland assessment Environmental Site Assessment

Ensuring environmental due diligence

Wetlands Wetland Delineation

Supporting the national objective of no net loss