Cultural compliance

Environmental and Cultural Resource Compliance

Supporting resource protection in compliance with regulatory requirements

The restricted lands of the U.S. Department of Energy Hanford Site and environs contain an abundance of rare species and habitats as well as cultural resources and archaeological deposits not found elsewhere in the region. Dozens of federal and state laws and regulations protect these resources.

EAS assists governmental agencies and private clients meet their obligations to preserve important resource and minimize impacts to these resources under these laws. Our staff conduct field surveys to determine if proposed project activities, such as installing or removing facilities and building pipelines or power transmission lines will comply with all federal and state legal requirements.

Our in-depth understanding of important ecological and cultural resources in the semi-arid Columbia Basin and our experience working with regulators, tribes, and stakeholders, and access to existing data all help us streamline the compliance process for our clients.

Eagle nest Public Safety and Resource Protection – Ecological Monitoring and Compliance Project

Ensuring DOE activities on the Hanford Site comply with federal, state, and local environmental regulatory requirements

Sagebrush Assessing Potential Biological Impacts from Transmission Line Rebuild

Assisting electric power producers identify and assess impacts to rare plants, wildlife, and habitats in the shrub-steppe ecosystem

Coyote tobacco Assessing Potential Biological Impacts from Pipeline Construction

Conducting field surveys to identify and quantify potential environmental impacts to priority species and habitats from constructing, operating, and maintaining a natural gas transmission line

Burrowing owl Migratory Bird Protection Act Compliance

Surveying migratory bird species to document nest locations, track populations over time, and reduce existing or potential adverse impacts to migratory species and their habitats

BPA lines Determining the Effectiveness of Bird Flight Diverters on Transmission Lines

Conducting long-term monitoring to estimate bird relative abundance and their response to bird flight diverters

Eagle Protecting Bald Eagle Habitat

Conducting annual bald eagle surveys to monitor bird use of protected roost locations and nest sites and document current and potential night roosts and nest sites along the Hanford Reach

Powerlines Identifying Invasive, Noxious Weeds to Eradicate and Control Species

Performing field surveys to identify invasive plants and noxious weeds, photograph and map locations, and determine population density

Cultural compliance Cultural and Historic Resources Program (C&HRP)

Ensuring Hanford Site compliance with federal cultural resources laws and regulations